On Sun, 15 Feb 2009, Mike Morris WA6ILQ wrote:
> KABC  7  7
> KCAL  9  9
> KTTV 11 11
> KCOP 13 13
> KSCI 18 18
> KTBN 40 23
> KVCR 24 26
> KCET 28 28
> KFTR 46 29
> KTLA  5 31
> KDOC 56 32
> KMEX 34 34
> KRCA 62 35
> KNBC  4 36
> KPXN 30 38
> KVEA 52 39
> KLCS 58 41
> KWHY 22 42
> KCBS  2 43
> KAZA 54 47
> KOCE 40 48
> KJLA 57 49
> KXLA 44 51
> We are going to have a solid block of DTV energy
> from channel 31-36 (from 572 to 608 MHz), and
> that does not count the other stations.
> The only reason that 37 is unoccupied is that it's
> reserved for radio astronomy.
> I think that the existing multi-microvolt UHF noise
> floor is going to get worse, and the mix products
> are going to go through the roof.

But think of all the power you'll save with a log-periodic pointed at 
the mountain connected to a rectifier.
> But for the first time in my lifetime 6m will get
> better - channels 2, 4, and 5 are going off the
> air (until the FCC sells that spectrum).
> Maybe we can put a 6m repeater on the
> channel 2 tower?  It's 970 feet tall on top
> of a 5,000 foot mountain, and the chief
> engineer is ham-friendly...

Go for it. See if you can find anyone who'd donate a repeater to that 
cause. Though I shudder to think how you'd contain six meter duplexer in 
a NEMA box, let alone mount it on a non-elevator tower. 

Kris Kirby, KE4AHR  <k...@catonic.us>
But remember, with no superpowers comes no responsibility. 

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