On Mon, 4 May 2009 14:57:34 -0500 (CDT), "Kris Kirby" <k...@catonic.us>
> On Mon, 4 May 2009, Nate Duehr wrote:
> > There are GOOD ham radio tenants, and bad ones... that's for sure.  
> > If it were up to me, I'd have made ONE phone call to this guy saying 
> > his repeater was no longer welcome at the site, disconnected it, 
> > changed the door code, and set that "mobiles in a cabinet" hunk of 
> Point of order:
> http://batboard.batlabs.com/viewtopic.php?f=1&t=69658&hilit
> That's a cutting-edge Motorola TRBO. And yes, it's a pair of mobiles in 
> a 4U rack box.
> http://www.radioexpressinc.com/repeaters.htm
> Motorola GR500, GR1225, CDR500, CDR700 -- all of them are: a pair of 
> mobiles in a box.

So you're saying if Motorola engineers jumped off a bridge, you'd jump

Not sure what your point is, unless you're trying to prove Moto's
quality on the low-end has deteriorated?  They're not exactly a shining
star of engineering skill these days.  They're just copying the crowd. 
And the crowd wants cheap crap.

Nate WY0X
  Nate Duehr

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