Respectfully and only with respect -- I think it suggests a lot about character 
when I read your reply Mr. Dengler.

TASMA does not *yet* have a band plan but you are fully aware of a motion 
placed before the board recommending the continued use of the SCRRBA band plan 
as it exists. Therefore, TASMA has a 70cm band plan.

This is a partial list of the WIN System that features repeaters with 
overlapping coverage, but granted coordination. Pair after pair after pair on 
two bands linked together providing duplicate content and under the direct 
control of one man. K6JSI and even a sight impaired person could not miss the 
extreme conflict of interest.

I believe that most of us know that on 440 1) most repeaters are limited range 
and private and this practice absolutely does not serve amateur radio 
operators, and 2) one has to pay to play. Has anyone actually listened to the 
"simplex" frequencies on 2/440 lately where linking is already being done in 
violation of the existing band plans?

The next conference call on Skype is scheduled for May 12th as I recall. Who's 
invited? Yet another closed door meeting? One entity conrolling all spectrum 
will only add to the corruption most of us know takes place but say nothing 
about because we're already coordinated and don't want to find ourselves 
penalized for having an opinion.

It isn't my intent to present an ad homenum attack against you or to  create 
controversy in this group -- your record and that of TASMA speaks for itself 
and controversy has long, long, long existed. I am shocked that it has taken 
this long for someone to light the fuse. I hope to read a respectful reply from 
you and strongly recommend that we cut the crap. It serves no one and certainly 
does not serve the amateur radio operators for whom the spectrum is intended. 
It is not intended for those that earn a living selling memberships to linked 
system that place 5 repeaters on one hilltop all linked together.

Respectfully, how is this going to work? Shorty is going to have his friends 
show up again, he'll pay their dues again, kick more people off of the board 
and gain control; he'll be the chairman that says yes or no to primary and link 
frequencies for others because they conflict with his business of selling 
memberships? Mr. Dengler, please. A straight answer. Perhaps this local issue 
should be taken elsewhere because it isn't fair to this group. Much can be 
accomplished to clear the air, but it begins by taking off your tap dancing 

--- In, n...@... wrote:
> At 5/4/2009 17:46, you wrote:
> >This could get real interesting, real fast, since the big difference between
> >SCRRBA and TASMA band plans is whether the 70cm repeater inputs should be
> >above or below the outputs.  They are opposite polarities!
> >
> >73, Eric Lemmon WB6FLY
> TASMA has a 70 cm bandplan?  That's news to me!
> Bob NO6B
> Chairman, TASMA

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