That's interesting Skipp.

I'm searching. I did find a couple references to PIM/IMD problems 
and one about poor signal with this type antenna.

The latter caught my eye as I've been sitting here half thinking 
coverage with this single dipole I tossed up there *seems* to be as 
good as with the whole array. I can't be sure since I haven't been 
"out there" to really see for myself what it is doing. At this point 
it's just a funny feeling I keep getting. Might be nothing to it... 
I'd have to go drive around for half a day to be sure.

I will keep digging for old posts on the subject...

Paul N1BUG

skipp025 wrote:
> There are known problems with this series of antennas... see 
> my previous posts bad-mouthing Sinclair regarding this same 
> situation. 
> I was only told that Sinclair has reworked the model and the 
> update reportedly fixed the problem. I never received a return 
> phone call or Email regarding my same type of problem with a 
> lot of similar type/model Sinclair antennas I purchased. 
> So I bad mouth that antenna model/series all I can and 
> give Sinclair grief about their customer service and engineering 
> at the IWCE Convention. So far they haven't cared to resolve 
> my, nor 3 known similar customer/owner problems. 
> When you start to stack more than one of that series/type 
> folded dipoles into an array... they start to glitch themselves 
> up pretty bad with IMD/PIM Issues. 
> You will find the same type/series of antenna under a few 
> different labels/model numbers. But it/they are still a very 
> bad design. 
> Search back through the group archives for more details regarding 
> my previous posts. It's not a happy story... 
> cheers, 
> skipp 

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