skipp025 wrote:

> Some people use voice detection to make/provide a COS/COR 
> logic, some folks "tack on" a CTCSS (PL) Decoder and some 
> actually open the radio to find a usable "tap point" in 
> the receiver circuit. Depending on how tricky (and how much 
> money) you want to invest in the package... voice operation 
> can work, or it can be quirky, jerky and a real pain to 
> deal with. An Icom 2AT "probably blows" enough CTCSS tone 
> through the regular speaker audio output where you could 
> easily tack a decent CTCSS Decoder on for decent full CTCSS 
> Operation. 
> No kits yet... but I'm thinking about it... 
> cheers, 
> skipp 

I have a 2A made into a 'remote base' radio, ie, mounted in a metal box 
and screwed to a rack chassis, with a terminal strip for 
gozinta/gozouta. If I remember, I tapped the high side of the volume pot 
for a TS-32. Encode went in following the instructions for the version 
of the SS-32 that was made for portables and small radios of the late 
70-s/early 80''s out there somewhere...and I did find COS 
somewhere too...probably with help from the old ACC notes.
Now I have a 4A from my dad's estate I may see if I can do the same 
thing with...

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