Did you first test it on it's original frequency before you retuned it?  
It may have had a problem from the start.

Years ago, I tuned over 25 MastrII radios I got from the local state 
police to 52.525Mhz as a project.  Probably 2 or 3 of them would just 
not tune up properly in the ham band.  They are only specked out to 
50Mhz, some may work above that frequency and a few may not.  I kept my 
bad ones for spare parts.  You may have one that just won't go above 
50Mhz.  You can mod the one you have, or just buy another front end 
assembly.  I definitely would first test it at it's original frequency 
before I did any mods.

73, Joe, K1ike

Chris Curtis wrote:
> I have a mastr EXEC II receiver (33 split) that I can't get sensitivity to
> increase.

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