On Jul 2, 2009, at 9:14 AM, Scott Zimmerman wrote:

> While I don't have any recordings for you, I can assure you that ALL
> machines I build have audio responses that sound as close to simplex  
> as
> possible. When I am finished with a machine, I have a helper in  
> another
> room talk into the repeater's input while I toggle my receiver between
> the receiver's input and output frequencies. If they don't sound  
> close, the machine doesn't leave my shop.

Just to throw a little more confusion on the fire here... don't  
underestimate how bad different user's radios sound, though.  More  
than once I've thought "wow, something's wrong with the repeater!"  
while listening to some cheap HT user talking on it, hit the reverse  
button, and found that their rig's signal just sounds THAT bad...

Nate Duehr, WY0X


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