

I could probably come up with a used 9dB DB Products antenna, but for this
application, weight is a MAJOR factor. A DB-809 is around 25 pounds and a
DB-589 is still about 11 pounds. The 5dB gain Maxrad MFB9155 is less than 2


This is going on top of a 24' mast that is on top of a 54' tower. The mast
already has multiple HF-1.2 GHz antennas, so loading is the major
consideration. The DB-809 would equal about 600 pounds at the thrust bearing
and the DB-859 would equal about 264 pounds- way more than the Maxrad.


I'll eventually put up a second tower in the 100' range (I'm height limited
due to a nearby 3800' grass strip airport) and will be able to go to
something more substantial on it. For now, the Maxrad will have to suffice.


This is for one of several 927 MHz repeaters that will be UHF linked. It
doesn't need to have huge range, it is mainly to cover about a 10 mile


The other sites will be using DB Products antennas.





[] On Behalf Of Mark
Sent: Monday, November 02, 2009 8:31 PM
Subject: RE: [Repeater-Builder] Lightning Rod (Bolt)?


Not sure how soon you need this antenna, but if you have time to wait - go
to Dayton next year.  There has been a guy there the past two years selling
RFS/Cellwave Super Stationmaster antennas.  DEFINITELY commercial-grade.  I
bought one 2 years ago from the guy (I wish I could remember his name) but
it cost me something like $80. still in the original shipping tube!  Rated
at 12.14 dBi (10 dBd). About 13.5 ft tall.  

He's in the flea market, behind the Arena, maybe one or two rows out.
Someone else my know who he is, but he had a number of them both years, and
on different freqs, so make sure you get one for 900-935 range (Model
10017-8).  This one had Motorola numbers on it as well; I'm sure it was made
for Motorola.

NICE antenna!! 

Sinclair makes enclosed folded dipole antennas, but they are not full omni
antennas - I use one on my station at the home QTH.  It's a SRL411C4N,
designed for 851-960. center freq of 930.. 

Happy antenna hunting.

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