here here i agree,
shove the cristianty to where it belongs,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,this is NOT IT

yes you got it, im not christian, and i don't give to rats toss for it, say what you like, i "DONT CARE" shove it up where the clouds meet the sky , this group is for repeaters and the like

i love this group for the group that it is, Radio Telephone and the alike

not how many friggin watts i can pump out my church thumping door slamming bible bashing Motorola Second edition Gordon ramsey F********* you G********* the friggin H************************ out of my church

if no one likes what i have just said tough luck

Harden up get a life, theres more to life that that crap

kick me,moderate me, ban i don't care, i like the group for what it is, not what a few idiots want it to be

please bring on more Repeater and R/T problems, this is how i better myself, not your way, but ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,MY WAY,,,,,,,


Kevin Custer wrote:
I asked once already for everyone to stop the threads where OT posts are
concerned - many didn't listen.

I'll ask once more - please do NOT post about this OT subject again.

If I cannot gain the respect of those continuing to post, I WILL SHUT
THE LIST OFF for a few awhile and we'll have a nice vacation. Those
continuing with the OT posts will be promptly banned - period.

Thank you for your consideration,
Kevin Custer
List Owner

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