I'm waiting to here on this thread that it must be the President's fault this 
guy asked the question, haha.

When are we going back to tech talk?

I don't really care much to read some people's subjective opinions regarding 
this guy's concept nor do I want to wear out my delete key.  This guys 
motivation or his bosses directive is none of our business pro or con. 

The Emergency Managment,  Emergency Call Center, Radio Manager and Information 
Security Officer qualified folks on this reflector know what the applicable 
regulations and DOJ requirements are and we sure don't need to hear about it 
from the what if experts...

I'm beginning to wonder if someone just planted this topic to watch this 
reflector self-distruct, DUH!

  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Nate Duehr 
  To: Repeater-Builder@yahoogroups.com 
  Sent: Tuesday, January 05, 2010 5:43 PM
  Subject: Re: [Repeater-Builder] dispatch centers run through the internet

  On 1/4/2010 2:33 PM, wd8chl wrote: 

    Security is also a big issue with trying to use the internet for
    something like this. Anyone with a little knowledge can hack into it and
    do whatever.

  Who needs to hack?  All common VoIP protocols in use are sniffable and 
playable from 100% free tools like Wireshark. All that's required is a copy of 
the packets... piece of cake.  We do it all the time for troubleshooting in the 
VoIP telco hardware vendor world.

  This whole plan probably also runs afoul of HIPPA regulations for Medical 
dispatch, once you start sending un-encrypted VoIP to a residential IP from the 
dispatch center, now that I think a little more about it.

  Nate WY0X


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