
Good question!  My new General Dynamics (Motorola) R2600D service monitor
addressed that problem by equipping both the antenna input and duplex jacks
with 1/16 ampere fast-blow fuses that are easily replaced using a 7/16" nut
driver to unscrew the jack.  Despite my lengthy experience with test
equipment, and due diligence (whatever that is!), I did manage to key up a
mobile radio while it was connected to the antenna jack.  I was monitoring
the RX LO signal and simply forgot where the power would go when I keyed the
mike.  Thankfully, the fuse blew instantly and protected the antenna circuit
from damage.  It only took a minute to replace that fuse (the manufacturer
provided five spares- I wonder why?), and I was back in business.  No doubt,
that same fuse can be wired into older monitors without too much effort.

73, Eric Lemmon WB6FLY

-----Original Message-----
From: Repeater-Builder@yahoogroups.com
[mailto:repeater-buil...@yahoogroups.com] On Behalf Of James
Sent: Tuesday, January 05, 2010 2:30 PM
To: Repeater-Builder@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [Repeater-Builder] Service Monitor Input Protection


Hello to the group. Knowing most of you have service monitors for the
Repeater Builder Hobby, I wanted to pose the following question. What method
do you use to protect the input of your service monitor from excessive RF
Power input? I am referring to the input/output jack that is limited to 2.5
watts on MANY service monitors. I know I can use an attenuator, but that
gets removed for sensitivity checks and may not get put back on. One
suggestion is a RF Relay that would trip on say one watt and put the power
to a dummy load. The problem is I have used one of the cheap circuits in the
past and toasted transistors in a Pre-amp, before the relay reacted as the
book said it should. However I know there are circuits in say the Mirage Amp
that also has a Pre-Amp that is removed from the antenna during transmit,
that works well. What are you doing to protect your monitor? Appreciate your


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