Optima Colors:

The Red Top are starting batteries, optimized for starting and not long 
The Blue Top are deep cycle (Marine/RV), optimized for deep discharge.
The Yellow Top are somewhere in-between.

Because radio applications are often high current draw, like "starting", many 
go with the Yellow Tops for this application.  But Blue would also work in many 
radio applications.

Personally I hunt for data centers that are REQUIRED by their own rules to dump 
UPS batteries on a regular basis (battery replacement done by calendar date, 
often only two or three years old).  Make friends with the right people, sign 
paperwork that the batteries won't end up being improperly disposed of (and a 
PR nightmare for the original owners) and haul away as many as you can carry in 
your vehicle without breaking the leaf springs.

They're big, matched, and the manufacturers have OODLES of online 
care-and-feeding documents. 

Nate WY0X

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