> "larynl2" <lar...@...> wrote:
> Thanx Paul, who responded directly, Randy, and Skipp.  That 
> puts me onto some things to check.  So far the harness looks 
> to be correct, with proper length jumpers made of RG9/B.  I 
> looked at all of the loops and they are also in good shape 
> and correct size.  Next I'll check each cavity individually 
> on their respective notch frequencies.  And maybe I should check 
> all elements of the harness with a megger to find lightning 
> damage/carbon tracks. 
> Yeah, 1 watt and desense so bad it's not worth measuring -- 
> something rather serious...
> Laryn K8TVZ

You might try using only two of the cavities in a simple dual 
cavity duplexer test situation. I suspect what might quickly 
be labeled desense is actually part of or sourced to another 
problem. Regardless of the label one small iceberg should not 
sink this new fancy Titanic Ship. 


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