Hello all from down under! I have a Motorola power supply that has come out of 
a repeater installation and I am looking for some info on it. What I am mostly 
wanting to know is what a small row of header type pins are for - external 
meters etc perhaps? The numbers on the transformer are - 25D84880N02 / TB602  / 
Scumacher Elect 93-013-418. I did a google and got a few hits ... all NON 
English :-)

I want to use this to provide the DC power needs in my mobile home while I am 
connected to grid power (got a few hungry devices - Ham radios,audio and Rf 
amps and LCD TV's). I see there is a charging circuit as well and would hope 
this would be suitable to keep my deep cycle batteries topped up - no solar 
panels installed at this time. I am wondering if the charging circuit is able 
to look after my batteries and has 1-2-3 stage charging - bulk, absorption and 
float ... or would it just be float? Having prematurely lost a couple of very 
big deep cycle batteries due to perhaps over zealous charging from the built-in 
charger on the old Trace inverter I have been using, I am keen to look after my 
new set as best I can. Is the charger in this type of supply up to the task or 
would I be best to use a smaller "good" quality three stage charger separate.

Oh ... and to keep it "on topic" - I have a couple of Tait T800 repeaters in a 
rack in the bus for events and festival comms.

Here is a link to what it looks like http://tinyurl.com/yg9p9oy

Any help much appreciated.


Graham Shaw
Mid Canterbury
New Zealand

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