On Sat, 27 Feb 2010, AJ wrote:
> Anyone have a suggestion for a simple 50 ohm signal generator?   I 
> have a number of VHF Phelps Dodge duplexers and several UHF flat pack 
> duplexers I'd like to be able to test prior to sale and possibly rough 
> tune for a few projects duing the waning weeks of winter.   I realize 
> a network analyzer would be the best case option for doing this sort 
> of work; followed by possibly a service monitor and a spectrum 
> analyzer with tracking generator. I currently have an HP spectrum 
> analyzer available at work; unfortunately it did not come equiped with 
> a tracking generator. It does have a current calibration; I'm guessing 
> I could use it to determine the exact output from a signal generator 
> and subsequently the insertion loss from the duplexer.

You'd probably want to drive the VCO of the signal generator directly to 
make it sweep up, but if you don't have a good baseline on how it's 
power level varies over the range, you won't be able to compare with the 
antenna response. 

Something like an MFJ-259 attached to a sweep generator would probably 
do the job. Of course, the MFJ-259 doesn't have great frequency 
stability, but you're not staying in one place for very long. Then you 
can use the spectrum analyzer for what it does best.

Kris Kirby, KE4AHR
Disinformation Analyst

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