I agree!

I just made another post and I definitely agree the transformers are the
better route over active devices for long audio runs.  The active devices are
best suited for interfacing un-balanced devices to balanced connections in a
production or control room.

I am thinking of running a cable that has several shielded audio pairs between
the two locations to give me room for future needs and to carry ptt and cor

This is an example of what I am thinking of using for cable...


------ Original Message ------
Received: Sat, 27 Feb 2010 09:21:39 AM PST
From: "Al Wolfe" <k...@arrl.net>
To: <Repeater-Builder@yahoogroups.com>
Subject: Re: [Repeater-Builder] Digest Number 7130

> John,
>     You will save yourself a lot of grief by using real transformer 
> isolation at each end in addition to balanced lines. The $12 dollar ones at

> RS will work fine for communication audio frequencies. If you want to go 
> first class find some WE111 repeat coils.
>     For wire CAT 5 will work and give you four pairs to play with. Some E 
> and M signaling or COR maybe.?
> Al, K9SI, retired BC engineer (now occasional highly paid consultant)
>     LOOONG audio runs
>     Posted by: "JOHN MACKEY" jmac...@usa.net jmackey_usa_net
>     Date: Fri Feb 26, 2010 10:49 pm ((PST))
> I have a odd situation where I need to run long audio cables between my
> repeater controller and two repeaters.  In this case, the repeater 
> controller
> will be connected to 2 repeaters in the same cabinette.  The other two
> repeaters will connected thru about 140 feet of wiring to the other side of

> a
> building.  I am thinking of using balanced audio wires for the long runs
> using Henry Engineeering boxes to convert between balanced/un-balanced at 
> each
> end.
> Anyone ever done long audio runs like this?  Am I over engineering it and
> unbalanced will be good enough?
> I use the Henry Engineering boxes for several audio conversions in
> broadcasting, here is a link for what they are:
> http://www.henryeng.com/matchbox.html

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