Hi Leroy,
My UHF machine is a 100-watt mastr ii repeater.  This has been on the air for 
the past 5 years and ran flawlessly.  I've worked on many vhf mastr ii's for 
fellow repeater owners over the years.  Have been used by hams for years and 
generally perform very well.  Good rf specs, highly selective rx, although not 
as sensitive as most modern day receivers hams are used to.  They are easily 
repaired if need-be.  One of the easiest radios to interface and tune up.  A 
fine choice for a repeater.
concerning your interference, a receiver with better front end selectivity and 
a different 1st. IF freq. might be an inexpensive and worthwhile test you could 
try 1st. before moving on to other ideas.
Hope this helps.

--- On Fri, 3/5/10, Leroy A. M. Baptiste <leroybapti...@spiceisle.com> wrote:

From: Leroy A. M. Baptiste <leroybapti...@spiceisle.com>
Subject: RE: [Repeater-Builder] Re: Interference
To: Repeater-Builder@yahoogroups.com
Date: Friday, March 5, 2010, 9:23 AM


Dan, have you had any experience using the GE Mastr 11 as a repeater, and if so 
what are your thoughts on it.

-----Original Message-----
From: Repeater-Builder@ yahoogroups. com [mailto:Repeater-Builder@ yahoogroups. 
com] On Behalf Of Dan Saputo
Sent: Friday, March 05, 2010 12:25 PM
To: Repeater-Builder@ yahoogroups. com
Subject: RE: [Repeater-Builder] Re: Interference

Hi Leroy,
Sounds like its coming straight into the antenna connector on rx since you 
mentioned it keeps the repeater keyed. If I'm not mistaken you also mentioned 
it cycles w/repeater tx?
I'm guessing this is a commercial site with other systems in addition to your 
machine and the FM broadcast transmitters?

The WP-641 duplexer you're using is a great duplexer, but doesn't offer much 
protection beyond the specific pass-reject frequencies its tuned for. Have you 
ever tried a different receiver on your system? It'd be interesting to connect 
another (high quality) receiver in place of what you have now as a test. Or try 
adding a bandpass cavity between rx and duplexer. Another pass cavity and/or 
isolator on the tx side might be a big help too.


--- On Thu, 3/4/10, Leroy A. M. Baptiste <leroybaptiste@ spiceisle. com> wrote:

From: Leroy A. M. Baptiste <leroybaptiste@ spiceisle. com>
Subject: RE: [Repeater-Builder] Re: Interference
To: Repeater-Builder@ yahoogroups. com
Date: Thursday, March 4, 2010, 8:44 PM

Hi Laryn, no I did not get a chance to answer your
questions, but here goes. The interference is
holding the squelch open on the repeater receiver
sometimes, which by extension holds the
transmitter on, or cycles it, based on the
interference into the receiver. The interference
audio is not clean, it is distorted, the
interference is not always there when you key up.
Like I mentioned before, turning the FM
transmitter off cures the problem. Hope that
helps, and many thanks for your help.

-----Original Message-----
From: Repeater-Builder@ yahoogroups. com <http://us.mc560. mail.yahoo. 
com/mc/compose? to=Repeater- Builder%40yahoog roups.com> 
[mailto:Repeater- Builder@ yahoogroups. com <http://us.mc560. mail.yahoo. 
com/mc/compose? to=Repeater- Builder%40yahoog roups.com> ] On
Behalf Of larynl2
Sent: Friday, March 05, 2010 9:19 AM
To: Repeater-Builder@ yahoogroups. com <http://us.mc560. mail.yahoo. 
com/mc/compose? to=Repeater- Builder%40yahoog roups.com> 
Subject: [Repeater-Builder] Re: Interference

Leroy, perhaps you answered my questions from
earlier today and I missed your answers. If you
answered I apologize. So here they are again.

> --- In Repeater-Builder@ yahoogroups. com <http://us.mc560. mail.yahoo. 
> com/mc/compose? to=Repeater- Builder%40yahoog roups.com> 
<mailto:Repeater- Builder%40yahoog roups.com> ,
"Leroy A. M. Baptiste" <leroybaptiste@ > wrote:
> >
> > When you key up the repeater, and you release,
> > repeater is held open (Sometimes)

What do you mean by "held open"? Is the
interference opening/keeping open the squelch of
the repeater receiver, or are you hearing it with
the squelch closed during the TX tail?

> , and you can
> > hear the interference coming in.

Is the interference audio relatively
clean/undistorted, or loud, raspy, distorted? Is
the interference always there, or quite

Laryn K8TVZ


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