On Wed, 10 Mar 2010, afa5tp wrote:
> I have three (3) Antel [BCD 80010] 806-900 mHz vertical antennae that 
> I would like to mount on the three legs of my tower for omni pattern 
> (Rec. only). Several questions come to mind.
> 1.) At the rated frequency, how many inches should the side arm place 
> the ant. from the tower?

1/4 wavelength from a large plane reflector, mounted in the middle of 
the reflector.
> 2.)What would be the best way to phase the antennae? I have a Andrews 
> three port "Splitter", and will use "LDF4-50A for feedline. I would 
> suspect the length of the pigtail from each antenna to splitter is 
> going to be critical.......or not, for receive only?

33% to each side, 120-degrees electrical length (I think). And be sure 
your tower can take the windload of sheet aluminum on all faces for 1.5 
wavelengths below and above the omnis. 

Look at a feed arrangement for a "big wheel" antenna that has three 
petals instead of four.

Kris Kirby, KE4AHR
Disinformation Analyst

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