Does anyone know what the background of GAW was? There wasn't a shop that I 
worked in that didn't have one of the Sinad/Distortion analyzers or the two 
tone generator that also was sold under the Motorola name. IIRC, there was also 
a small power supply with a hair trigger current trip/disconnect for pagers and 
handhelds that also was rebadged as a Motorola TEK product. I've heard two 
stories. One was the Galvin family owned the product line and another was that 
it was a private venture by an employee and distributed through the Moto 

Can anyone shed any light on this and what other products they made? I don't 
believe that I've ever seen any of these units sold on E-bay or through private 
sales although they were pretty ubiquitous. From what I remember, the 
construction quality was similar to kit grade rather then a professionally 
assembled product.


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