The cavities were initially tuned individually and the loop positions set
1 db IL. They were then coupled together using a 18.5" cable and the rods
touched up to re-establish resonance. The measured IL is now 2.9. The loop
positions were not changed after coupling. When using the RL bridge I do not
see one clear notch, but rather a notch that has a bump; kinda looks like 2
notches. This is what I always see even when cavities are factory tuned, so
confident that the tuning is OK.

On Tue, Apr 20, 2010 at 9:26 AM, Jeff DePolo <> wrote:

> > I have 2 C-Series bandpass cavities, with individual I.L. set
> > at 1.0 db each. When I couple them together and measure, I
> > get a total I.L. of 2.9 db. I should see something like 2.1
> > or 2.2. I have measured the coupling cable and see < .1 db,
> > so the cable is good. Anyone have an idea why the loss is so
> > high when coupled?
> Most likely they aren't tuned correctly for maximum return loss, and when
> you cascade them, the resonant frequency is no longer where you thought it
> was (i.e. a "detuning" effect). Have you measured the return loss of the
> cavities individually?
> --- Jeff WN3A

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