Distribution voltages begin at 2,400 and go to 34,500 volts.  Transmission 
voltages begin at ... depends upon the utility.  Could be 46,000, 69,000 or 

Anyway... it's not the voltage.  It's simply there is a device issue somewhere 
on a power line. 

Could be a bad connector.  A bad transformer.  A bad lightning arrester.  A bad 
switch.  A bad insulator. 

Bottom line, something is breaking down and creating this buzz.  Begin by 
driving around the area and narrowing the area down.  Then with a small yagi 
try to pin point things down to a few poles, or THE pole.  Some electric 
companies have staff that can assist with RFI, and some do not.  Don't assume 
they do. 

If you have questions, drop me a line. 


Kim - WG8S

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