Amen to that! However, instead of re-inventing the wheel, I find myself 
spending a lot of time making discarded sow's ears into the proverbial silk 
purse. <g>

73 and aloha Eric KH6CQ

--- On Sat, 5/8/10, N1BUG <> wrote:

From: N1BUG <>
Subject: Re: [Repeater-Builder] Re: CTCSS Encoder/Decoder
Date: Saturday, May 8, 2010, 5:19 PM



      And then there are those who need to 'have' a repeater but have next 

to no money and lots of time. As a member of that group I also 

appreciate discussions like this! I do the best I can with what I 

can get, and often end up spending untold hundreds of hours 

re-inventing the wheel.


Paul N1BUG

ae6zm wrote:





> I think this thread has clearly demonstrated that there are a couple 

> different groups involved in building/maintainin g repeaters. Those who 

> are involved in commercial systems are likely best served by purchasing 

> commercial grade parts/packages/ systems, as their focus is on 'having' a 

> repeater. Then there are those of us who are interested primarily in the 

> experience of 'inventing /designing/ building/ debugging a repeater, and 

> then starting over with a new idea. In behalf of all of us in this 

> category, I say thank you all for your ideas, experiences and words of 

> wisdom.


> As one who spent many years in the first group, I find it immeasurably 

> enjoyable to now be one of the second group. No pressure to 'GET IT BACK 

> ON THE AIR'. Just have some fun, learn something, and try to pass it on.






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