At 5/6/2010 19:09, you wrote:
>I suspect that you were the exception rather than the rule, then. To me
>there are better ways to do it than a 567. I remember playing with various
>567 circuits back in the 70's. Never could get reliable performance. Used
>them for paging frequencies. Gave up and started using commercial encoders
>and decoders and never looked back. Maybe you can give the guy some guidance
>to get some stability and choke down the bandwidth so that adjacent tones
>don't false the thing.

The problem is if you reduce the BW to +/- half a standard tone freq., the 
detection time becomes unacceptably long.

I tried using them for both DTMF & CTCSS detection a long time 
ago.  Compared to commercial CTCSS decoders, they were more prone to 
falsing and/or talkoff.  Eventually I found a cheap, reliable solution: 
take a ComSpec SS-32 encoder & add the decode circuitry (the SS-32 & the 
TS-32 use the same divider/encoder IC).  I still have that decoder & it 
still works just as good as an actual TS-32.

Though my 567s seemed to work OK as DTMF decoders, a lot of other people 
had problems getting them to reliably decode, probably due to the timing 
capacitor changing value with temperature.

Bob NO6B

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