Try a micor amp
Ebay  220614543178   220611329293

--- In, "Wayne" <wa5...@...> wrote:
> After years of operation our tried and true 6M repeater died. This repeater, 
> in Arkansas, is located on the highest point between the Rocky Mountains and 
> the Smokey Mountains and provided excellent coverage.
> We need a GE Master Exec. II Low Band 50 watt 42-50 split PA. The combination 
> number on the front of the radio follows. The ? means it does not matter.
> RT64???33??
> We only need the PA. If any one has one of these they want to part with let 
> me know the details. Please reply by post to "reply to sender" or wa5luy at 
> cablelynx dot com. 
> Wayne, WA5LUY

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