At 08:57 AM 6/21/2010, Josh wrote:
>When the squelch is closed, I get right around 8 volts, taken from 
>pin 8 of the modified mobile audio/squelch board - the tried and 
>true process just about everybody uses..... When the squelch opens, 
>I'm at not ground potential, but right about half a volt. This isnt 
>really the sort of logic signal I want (I want this thing to be dead 
>nuts zero, not half a volt).
<-----That output is an open collector bipolar device, so the best 
you can hope for is .6 volts above ground. This may not be enough for 
what you're driving.

I've done many MICOR mods for external controllers and I've always 
simply used a simple NPN small signal transistor (2N2222 or 2N3904) 
as a buffer. Of course this inverts the COS signal (which is just 
fine with me as I've never liked active low COS signals).

1 transistor and 2 resistors is all it takes

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