

I use the internet to my repeater site to control everything. Including the
AC, Heating, Packet, Alarm System, and controlling/programming the two
CAT-1000s on the VHF and UHF repeaters. I am planning on adding IRLP as well
as video feeds at the site.


I use a program called VNC2. It is the free version and works very well for


Kenneth Cook, W8DZN

5726 Timpson Rd.

Caledonia, Ohio 43314

ARRL VE, ARRL Registered, Certified Instructor/Examiner

for ECOMM Levels I, II and III

IS-22, IS-100, IS-120A, IS-200, IS700, IS-800 and

IS -802 Certified.

W8DZN Repeaters in Bucyrus, Ohio

Repeaters 147.165 PL88.5 & 442.525 PL88.5



From: Repeater-Builder@yahoogroups.com
[mailto:repeater-buil...@yahoogroups.com] On Behalf Of Mike Besemer (WM4B)
Sent: Thursday, July 08, 2010 10:32 PM
To: Repeater-Builder@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [Repeater-Builder] Repeater Control Operator via



At our club meeting tonight a discussion came up regarding the cost of the
phone line to our 2-meter repeater system.  Originally it was there for the
Autopatch, but has evolved to being primarily used for me to program the
controller (CAT-1000) and to control the system.  (The autopatch is rarely
used, since everyone carries a cellphone now.)  


Everyone understands that the phone line is needed for control and
programming, but we started toying with other ideas.  Specifically, having
an Internet connection at the site seemed like it had a lot of potential,
but frankly I don't know why!  It'd be nice to run an I-Gate from that
location (we already have an APRS weather node there), but it's not
essential.  I could probably use it to monitor the site as well, but that's
not really much of a concern either.


So, the question is, how can we use Internet to control/program the
CAT-1000?  We could get Internet at the site for about the same cost as the
phone, and if we could use it for repeater control/programming AND the other
things I mentioned, it'd be a better deal. 


Can IRLP be used for control/programming?  I'm not familiar with that system
whatsoever, but am always willing to learn.










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