Hi Guys,

I started a few years back working on a DTMF Keypad locally to program the
controllers. I needed to buffer the audio to make it work, but never
finished it. Maybe someday I will. There used to be a company the sold a
Keypad setup for the CAT Controllers.


Kenneth Cook, W8DZN

5726 Timpson Rd.

Caledonia, Ohio 43314

ARRL VE, ARRL Registered, Certified Instructor/Examiner

for ECOMM Levels I, II and III

IS-22, IS-100, IS-120A, IS-200, IS700, IS-800 and

IS -802 Certified.

W8DZN Repeaters in Bucyrus, Ohio

Repeaters 147.165 PL88.5 & 442.525 PL88.5



From: Repeater-Builder@yahoogroups.com
[mailto:repeater-buil...@yahoogroups.com] On Behalf Of Mike Besemer (WM4B)
Sent: Friday, July 09, 2010 6:12 PM
To: Repeater-Builder@yahoogroups.com
Subject: RE: [Repeater-Builder] Repeater Control Operator via





I’m thinking along the same lines as what you’re saying.  I got the manual
out and found that I can remotely activate the serial port without having to
flip the switch.  I’d thought of using a relay as well, but wanted to avoid
any additional hardware.


Both of the CAT ports are in use, but I might be about to parallel the audio
into one of the ports to allow DTMF control as well.


More to think about… why do I get myself into these things?!







From: Repeater-Builder@yahoogroups.com
[mailto:repeater-buil...@yahoogroups.com] On Behalf Of Mike Morris
Sent: Friday, July 09, 2010 4:19 PM
To: Repeater-Builder@yahoogroups.com
Subject: RE: [Repeater-Builder] Repeater Control Operator via



Basically you cross-connect a serial port from the IRLP computer 
to the CAT controller.  Then you remote into the IRLP computer, 
and you can program the CAT just as if you were local to it.

And the serial 
cable from the IRLP box to the CAT will have to "cross over" 
the transmit and receive data lines.

I've never used a CAT controller, so have no idea how the 
remote programming is done. 

If serial won't work for you , then you can always use the DTMF 
send feature of the IRLP software to send DTMF strings to one 
of the receiver audio inputs of the CAT.  I helped out on one 
repeater where the owner had AUX 3 output of the IRLP card 
wired to a reed relay coil.  One armature of the relay was wired 
to the receiver audio in connection on the repeater controller , 
the normally closed contact was wired to the repeater receiver 
audio, the normally open contact was wired to the IRLP sound 
card output.  With AUX3 off the system worked normally, with 
AUX 3 on it allowed remote programming.

As to the serial port on the CAT being active, well, you will 
have to handle that as a separate project.  As I said above, 
I've never seen a CAT controller in person.  
Do you have to flip the switch between operating and 
programing, or can you leave it in the programming enabled 
position and still have the system usable??  
Worst case, use the above idea and use a multiple pole relay, 
with one pole across the particular section of the DIP switch? 
Then "flip the DIP switch" remotely with an AUX output?


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