It appears my "L" button doesn't work half the time, guess I need to
take my keyboard apart and clean it.


On 7/16/2010, "kb1sph" <> wrote:

>Ok, I'm playing around with my Kenwood TKR-820 a bit.  I've found the
>instructions for HEX editing the channel and ctcss information after
>reading it from the EEPROM, and they work great.  But there's nothing
>about DCS.  I'm wiing to try and decipher how to get the DCS, but I
>need a look at the information from a chip that contains DCS
>information.  Since I don't have a real programmer I can't change mine
>and then look at it.  So if anyone has a TKR-820 with DCS in it and a
>EEPROM reader, it would be greatly appreciated if you are wiling to read
>the chip with PonyProg2000 ( and send
>me a copy.
>Jeff, KB1SPH / WQEX694
>Yahoo! Groups Links

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