If you have a GE VOTER use the COS from the Receiver to key a relay that will 
apply the E/M voltages to the Voter. remote transmitter down, no voter action. 
remote transmitter up Voter working. We used the tone for microwave hops and 
telephone lines.


Jul 26, 2010 03:37:47 AM, Repeater-Builder@yahoogroups.com wrote:


On Sun, 25 Jul 2010 19:34:58 -0700
"Ross Johnson" <kc7...@comcast.net> wrote:

> I'm in the exact same boat working on a remote receiver. I don't want
> the link keyed 24-7 either. I now there are some voters out there that
> don't require 1950hz and some that don't need it present 100% of the
> time to keep that voter port active. But are there any other voters in
> the used or DIY market that's in the HAM budget. That do not require
> the 1950hz tone at all. Here one I found on RB but I will need
> eventually 3 ports. http://www.repeater-builder.com/rbtip/wb2whc.html
> Can one more port be added and has anyone had good success with this
> unit?

What about a Doug Hall voter?



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