At 7/29/2010 14:59, you wrote:
>Re: Simrex - GLB Pre-Selector Pre-Amplifier
>The Simrex (aka GLB) units are actually amplified pre-selector
>assemblies, not just plain wide-band Receive Pre-Amplifiers.
>There's a reason why these units offer/spec 8dB Gain versus
>the others "un-protected" preamps.  The less obvious gain
>when compared to traditional GasFet and BiPolar RF Preamplifiers
>is due to the internal integrated pre and post filtering.
>What does it all mean...
>If you have some types of IMD "grunge problems" when trying
>a regular GasFet/BiPolar Preamplifier, chances are your results
>using the Simrex/GLB pre-selector might be better. The pre and
>post filtering inside the Pre-Selector is a big deal.

Yes, but the NF is unpublished & unknown.  I therefore assume it's poor, 
maybe 3 dB?

A Chip Angle GaAsFET @ UHF has 0.5 dB NF.  Put a 1/4 wave pass cavity with 
0.5 dB loops in front of it & you have a narrow 1 dB NF front-end.  I'll 
take 1 dB NF over 3 dB NF any day.

The Simrex unit makes a nice solution if you don't have the physical space 
for a 1/4 wave bottle.  Then again, I know someone who just ordered an even 
smaller MtronPTI front-end crystal filter to solve a front-end overload 
problem from a TX over 1 MHz away from his RX.  Not the best solution 
(higher loss, can't be retuned if he ever has to change freq.), but I guess 
it works for him.

Bob NO6B

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