At 7/30/2010 08:31, you wrote:

>Re: Simrex - GLB Pre-Selector  Pre-Amplifier
> >>> Yes, but the NF is unpublished & unknown. I therefore
> >>> assume it's poor, maybe 3 dB?
>Once again, the NF depends on what device arrives in your
>specific Simrex (aka GLB) Pre-Selector. It wouldn't hurt
>or be impossible to ask.

Nothing new here - same goes for different versions of preamps, i.e. ARR 
bipolar vs. GaAsFET.

> >>> A Chip Angle GaAsFET @ UHF has 0.5 dB NF. Put a 1/4
> >>> wave pass cavity with 0.5 dB loops in front of it &
> >>> you have a narrow 1 dB NF front-end. I'll take 1 dB
> >>> NF over 3 dB NF any day.
>You're actually comparing two different boxes.

Nope - comparing GLB vs. GaAsFET/pass cavity combo.

>I have measured all the original GLB Pre-selectors and their
>performance values are very realistic (no surprises).

Care to publish your results here?

> >> I guess it comes back to price too, a 1/4 wave can plus
> >> pre-amp will cost more money.......

> >> GaAsFET preamp is ~$130.  I don't think I've ever paid more
> >> than $50 for a pass cavity, so the total is ~$100 less than
> >> the GLB unit.
>Reads like you're comparing a new Preamp with a used cavity
>against the price of a new Simrex (GLB) Pre-selector. That's
>not really fair...

Perfectly fair.  Used pass cavities in good condition are plentiful.  Can't 
remember the last time I saw a used GLB or equivalent unit for sale, so I'm 
simply comparing what's readily available.

>One of the really nice (and mostly overlooked) items about
>the Simrex (GLB) unit construction (and operation) is the
>Post (active) Amplifier Filtering (tuned circuits).  For more
>than one real reason they can be one of the most under
>reported "bacon saver" in your fry pan.

A single pass cavity usually has enough out-of-band rejection to be totally 
adequate on its own - no post-preamp filtering needed.

Then again, the fact that post-device filtering is used in the GLB makes me 
worry about the actual selectivity ahead of that device.  If there's only 1 
or 2 resonators ahead of it, that's not much protection.  A 1/4 wave bottle 
will provide much more rejection ahead of that first amp, and with less 
loss hence lower NF.

IMO the Simrex amplified preselector is a space-saving compromise, nothing 

Bob NO6B

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