Had a similiar problem when I was chief engineer at an AM-FM radio station. The 
antenna tower was within 250 ft of the building. The prior engineer connected a 
copper strap from the automation equipment to one of the tower legs.

Whenever we had a lightning strike on the tower you can see the lightning dance 
across the equipment.  Due to the lightning many time I had to replace parts in 
the automation controller. I finally found the copper strap and removed it from 
the tower. No longer did I get any calls due to lightning causing automation 
equipment failure.  I then got the owner to get an engineering crew to measure 
the tower to ground and found that the original grounding was falling and 
needed to be fixed.

After that no longer had issues either with the FM transmitter or TV 
transmitter at that site.  Also added lightning protestion on the AC coming 
into the building.


Aug 1, 2010 03:43:37 PM, Repeater-Builder@yahoogroups.com wrote:


Whenever I read a report like this, I have mixed emotions. I am surprised
that the injury occurred, which is impossible if the facility was properly
designed and islanded in accordance with numerous standards, including NFPA
70, NFPA 780, and the Motorola R56 Manual. I am also angry that an official
issued the statement that "...the communications system, including its
400-foot radio tower, are grounded in accordance with industry safety
standards." That official, and the idiots who designed the communications
center, should be fired and/or brought up on criminal charges.

The key to a safe installation at a location with an on-site tower is to
ensure that all utilities pass through a "window" where a common ground
reference exists. Ideally, the tower should be right next to the facility,
so that the same ground reference is used for both. The power transformer
that feeds the control room should be in that room, not hundreds of feet
away, and the secondary neutral of that transformer should be bonded to the
same ground that is used by the telephones, radio system, cable TV,
satellite system, and raised-floor supports. If executed properly, the
design of the control room creates a Faraday Cage within which all occupants
are safe from injury due to GPR (Ground Potential Rise) from a nearby
lightning strike. Likewise, all the electronics within the control room are
protected against surge damage.

It is obvious from the news report that the dispatcher was injured because
her headset was at a different potential from her body. The GPR resulting
from lightning striking the tower led to thousands of volts difference
between the radio control system (the headset) and the floor and counter in
the control room- and the chair she was sitting in. It is also obvious that
this difference in potential could not exist if the tower and the adjacent
control room were grounded in accordance with industry safety standards.
Some common sense and credible engineering skills are essential elements in
a proper control room design.

Many moons ago (late 60's), I was Chief Engineer at radio station WLRW, a 50
kW FM station at Champaign-Urbana, Illinois. During my watch, the station
control room was relocated to a building next door. It was my job to
supervise the cabling installation within the building and to the
transmitter at the base of the tower, which was just over 100 feet away.
All of the remote circuits and network feeds came through a grounding window
that was common with the power and the tower grounding system. I remember
arguing with the Illinois Power foreman about how we needed a separate
transformer to power the station, and it had to be installed right at the
side of the control room and not in a vault several hundred feet away. The
value of designing the entire installation to comply with established
industry standards and sound engineering practices was proven many times,
when the tower was struck by lightning during a storm, and no damage or
injury occurred. Although the station was on automation most of the day, we
had live talent from late afternoon to early morning, and at least one
lightning strike occurred while on-air talent was at the board and wearing
headphones. The lights blinked, but the board operator felt nothing and the
show went on.

73, Eric Lemmon WB6FLY

-----Original Message-----
From: Repeater-Builder@yahoogroups.com
[mailto:repeater-buil...@yahoogroups.com] On Behalf Of tracomm
Sent: Thursday, July 29, 2010 9:48 PM
To: Repeater-Builder@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [Repeater-Builder] OT- Dispatcher injured by lightning strike

A dispatcher was treated for electrical shock on May 2 after lightning sent
power surge through the dispatcher's headset.


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