At 10:00 AM 08/05/10, you wrote:
>I was told that I should be using 5C for receive and transmit but 
>the 5C will NOT fit on my PLL exciter.
>Any ideas?
>Steve W4SEF

See this article <>

It has photos of the EC, 5C and 2C wide and narrow ICOMs.

You apparently have a wide EC transmit and a narrow receive element.

The EC is a slave element, and the 5C is a master.
The 2C and 1C stand alone - they do not receive or generate the 
compensation voltage.

Without a 5C in the transmitter, the compensation line in your
transmitter is floating and as such the transmitter is drifting.

As I see it you can do one of three things:

1) Jumper the receive compensation line over to the transmitter.
This slaves your EC to the 5C in the receiver.  This is quick,
cheap and will work.  If you have a high RF level at your site
(like at a busy 2-way site or at a TV station transmit site),  then
use a small coax like RG174 as the jumper and ground the
shield to an adjacent ground pin..

2) Get a wide 5C (on ANY frequency) and stuff into an open
element connector in the transmitter.  You DON'T add a jumper
to enable the element, just plug it in. It's only use is as a
compensation voltage generator (as the master to the EC slave).

3) The most expensive, but the right way, would be to get a wide
2C element and have International rock it up on your frequency,
then replace the EC with the 2C.

All of this is covered in that article.

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