I must have missed some posts - my inbox ran out of space (I'm on the road
and not checking email as often as I usually do), so my apologies if I'm
asking questions that have already been answered... 

> > Allan Crites and I are currently in discussion which will 
> be used as the basis of a RB web article that will explain 
> exactly what is happening, why it happens, and why an 
> 'optimized' cable length can be used to transfer power ending 
> up with the stated loss of the duplexer and have little 
> reflected power toward the transmitter - so long as the 
> duplexer is tuned properly and exhibits good return loss on 
> the frequency it's designed to pass.

Maybe I'm not understanding right.  Are you saying that by varying the cable
length between the transmitter and the duplexer that you can affect the
insertion loss of the duplexer?  And also that by varying the cable length
between the transmitter and the duplexer that you can vary the reflected
power on that same line?  Please tell me I'm reading this wrong...I've been
on the road a long time and working a lot of long hours, so it's quite

                        --- Jeff WN3A

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