On 13.11.2015 00:10, John Sullivan wrote:

> Instructive example..
> https://twitter.com/kutyacica/status/664623913305944064
> Anything Replicant can or does do to guard against this kind of attack?

Replicant may not be able to do much to guard against such attacks,
but what YOU can do as a user is Just Say No to smartphones and go
back to using a classic non-smart GSM cellular telephone handset.

Go to ebay and grab a Motorola C139, then reflash it with firmware
which you yourself compile from source:


When you build the entire firmware yourself from source (there is no
separate baseband in dumbphones like Mot C139), you can security-audit
it yourself (or hire someone of your choosing) and fix any bugs that
might allow over-the-air takeover of code execution.

Wanna learn more?  Go to www.freecalypso.org and join the FreeCalypso
community mailing list.

Hasta la Victoria, Siempre,
Spacefalcon the Outlaw
Replicant mailing list

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