On Fri 2023-11-03 19:09:18 -0400, bill-auger wrote:
> [... 18 lines elided]

> so the problem with 'semantic-2.2.13.min.js' is the weblabels file, which has
> drifted out-of-date - IIRC, that was the original problem in 2021 - the new
> problem with 'highlight.pack.js' appears to be a short-coming of librejs - 
> that
> file is listed in the weblabels file, and librejs did not reject it in 2021,

> from the weblabels file:
>> semantic-2.2.10.min.js       Expat   semantic-UI-2.2.10.tar.gz
>> highlight.pack.js    BSD 3 Clause    highlight.js-9.6.0.tar.gz

LibreJS is working as intended here: it checks the license label ("BSD 3
Clause" here) and the link
(https://github.com/isagalaev/highlight.js/blob/master/LICENSE here).
Neither could be found in the license_definitions.json file (it has
"BSD-3-Clause" and "http://opensource.org/licenses/BSD-3-Clause";). So it
rejects the script.

Do you have an Internet Archive snapshot of the 2021 version that
librejs did not reject?


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