> From: Michal Maczka [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> [snip]
> > With the changes to the URI syntax I'm proposing, using version 1.1 of
> > commons-dbcp
> > as an example, the license would be stored at:
> >   http://repo.apache.org/apache/commons-dbcp/1.1/licenses/license.html
> > not:
> >
> http://repo.apache.org/apache/commons-dbcp/1.1/licenses/license-1.1.html
> >
> In case of the majority of artifacts version name should be a part of
> artifact file name.
> I might agree that
> http://repo.apache.org/apache/commons-dbcp/1.1/licenses/license.html
> is acceptable but for a sake of consistency - we should rather use
> http://repo.apache.org/apache/commons-dbcp/1.1/licenses/license-1.1.html
> Note that artifacts like
> http://repo.apache.org/apache/commons-dbcp/1.1/licenses/license-1.1.html
> or
> http://repo.apache.org/apache/stsruts/1.1/tlds/struts-tiles.1.1.tld
> are almost always no important for humans.
> Michal

>From the requirements at
"ASF Repository shall ... allow browsing and downloading of artifacts by
humans via normal
web browser".
Requiring a version to be part of the artifact file name when the artifact
is only useful
to end users (e.g README), reduces clarity.


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