On 2008-04-12 22:29:04 +0200, Paul Everitt 

> Tom Lazar wrote:
>> On 2008-03-12 14:58:14 +0100, Tres Seaver
>> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said:
>>> Hash: SHA1
>>> Reinout van Rees wrote:
>>>> Paul Everitt schreef:
>>>>> Tres made a "urienv" branch for Deliverance that allows you to put a
>>>>> middleware step in front of Deliverance to control which theme gets set.
>>>> That is the one that is now merged back to trunk, right?
>>> Yes.
>>>>> However, what you want is simpler: you can write a middleware step that
>>>>> sets the "notheme" flag on the query string.
>>>> Hey, neat. Didn't know that one :-) Works like a charm in the browser at
>>>> least.
>>>> For making a middleware step: does anyone know a paster skeleton for
>>>> that? Googling for paster skeletons for creating stuff that is to be
>>>> used by paster is a bit hard :-)
>>> Nope, we've just started for existing examples.
>> does anybody have a working example of this? i would a) need the
>> functionality and b) it sounds like an excellent starting point to
>> write simple middleware.
> Does "this" == paster skeletons, or the Deliverance keep-your-hands-off
> thing?

ah, good question (as i now realize)

i meant the keep-your-hands-off thing[tm] ;-)

thanks for asking,


> -Paul

Tom Lazar

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