2009/4/29 Chris McDonough <chr...@plope.com>:
> If this really is due to the wildcard thing: IMO, zope.component should
> probably
> try to match any lookup against wildcard registrations dead last.  I'm sorta
> surprised it doesn't.

It does it in-order with adapters queried in order of specialization;
but adapters that are specialized come in last.

> But in general, interface inheritance seems pretty evil.  I'd rather that it
> just composed the "requires" interfaces by looking up the MRO of the
> instance and its base classes rather than combining that with the concept of
> an "iro".

This again comes with an idea of "availability" I think; it might be
that your adapter is more specialized, but it also claims to implement
its iro.

> I think maybe the right thing to do there (if we can't fix it) is to just
> repeat ourselves in configuration.

Yes; or as in my example, resort to registering "normal" views for
``IGetRequest``. It's probably good practice anyway.

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