On 5/9/09 8:50 AM, Malthe Borch wrote:
> As a general improvement (in terms of clarity) and as part of the
> efforts of getting Chameleon working on GAE, I've begun reworking the
> compilation stage.
> If not explicitly disabled (using ``CHAMELEON_CACHE=0``), template
> files (ending in .pt) will be compiled with the result written to a
> Python-module with the same filename (ending in .pt.py); Python will
> of course attempt to write a byte-code compilation (ending in
> .pt.pyc), which will guarantee good performance when restarting the
> system.
> Then,
> On template instantiation:
> 1) If the ``CHAMELEON_EAGER`` flag is enabled, parse template source
> immediately.
> 2) Load the template source module.
> 3) If the ``CHAMELEON_STATIC`` flag is enabled, compile into
> one-method-fits-all-arguments render methods for main template and
> each available macro (if required).
> On render:
> 4) If the ``CHAMELEON_STATIC`` flag is enabled, collapse
> keyword-arguments into dynamic context (econtext).
> On compilation:
> 5) If the "render call signature" (keyword arguments and macro name)
> matches an already compiled render-method, return it.
> Else:
> 6) Compile template (to source string).
> 7) Append to template source module.
> 8) Reload template source module and return render-method.

I've lost track of what a lot of this means (particularly wrt CHAMELEON_STATIC) 
but the stuff I do understand sounds pretty good to me.

At a higher level, let me try to repeat the use case here and tell me if I have 
it right:

- On template instantiation (at least in eager mode and unless
   CHAMELEON_CACHE=0), a .py file will be written next to the
   template file being instantiated.

- The Chameleon code that actually performs rendering will
   try to find the .py file via some importy sort of thing.

- Python will write the .pyc file.

- When we want to deploy to GAE or other platforms without
   instantiation/compilation support, we'll just check in
   the .py files (or maybe even the .pyc files) and
   push them up.  The instantiation code won't ever need
   to do the compilation step.

Is that close to right?

- C
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