Hi Gustavo,

is there a special reason the repoze.what docs can not be hosted on 
docs.repoze.org, next to all the other repoze documentation?


On 6/11/09 6:23 PM, Gustavo Narea wrote:
> Hi, everyone.
> Jorge's right, my personal server, which hosts code.gustavonarea.net and
> what.repoze.org, is down.
> Unfortunately, it's not something I can fix. My ISP was hacked recently, but
> I've been told it should come back up in a few hours.
> Otherwise I'll start serving those sites from my home network later today,
> although its upstream rate sucks (but it's better than nothing).
> Cheers!
>    - Gustavo.
> Jorge said:
>> On Wed, Jun 10, 2009 at 11:08 PM, Jesse Howarth<jahowa...@gmail.com>  wrote:
>>> The host for repoze.what-pylons has been down for 3 days now.  PyPi
>>> has it listed at http://code.gustavonarea.net/repoze.what-pylons/ and
>>> when "python setup.py develop" is run for either 2.0 or 2.1 it stalls
>>> and eventually fails.
>> This is correct, aparently there is something wrong with gustavo's server
>> ;(

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