Hi Iain

I am using formish with some success at the moment.
You need the latest copy from github, rather than whats in PyPI and if you
want to
use the FileUpload widget you may need to build a custom FileResource
handler (I am running on GAE so write temp files to the filesystem is not an
option )

Its pretty simple and lightweight does both the form generation from schemas
using schemaish and validation. (I looked at ToscaWidgets and found it was
going to harder to shoehorn into GAE and it didn't have my requirements to
be able to specify readonly widgets)



On Sun, Jun 28, 2009 at 3:47 AM, Iain Duncan <iaindun...@telus.net> wrote:

> what are folks using to make forms and validation schemas with bfg? I am
> a big fan of formencode, but not sure how best to use it in the bfg
> context. I'm curious whether one can use zope form generation easily
> with formencode?
> thanks
> iain
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