Can you read to see if it answers 
your question?

On 4/9/10 5:53 PM, Iain Duncan wrote:
> Hi everyone, I remember asking this a while back and at that point there
> was no easy solution but it seems like BFG has many new features since then.
> Is there a straightforward way to get at registry populated on startup,
> from python code?
> For example, I hoped this would work, but it does not:
> gsm = getGlobalSiteManager()
> (obi-wan waves hand) these aren't the registries you're looking for....
> Previously I had manually populated a mirroring registry from the same
> configure.zcml file. Chris commented that it was a smelly, but
> functional solution, as long as no code is actually programmatically
> *making* new registrations. Any pointers much appreciated, 'cause I sure
> do like using those adapters and utilities.
> Thanks!
> Iain
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Chris McDonough
Agendaless Consulting, Fredericksburg VA
The repoze.bfg Web Application Framework Book:
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