Am 16.04.2010, 17:42 Uhr, schrieb Casey Duncan <>:

> activate is a bit of a kludge, though it seems easy enough to just have  
> multiple shells open if activate screws with certain tasks. I'm curious  
> though, how do you switch virtualenvs? I can envision creating wrapper  
> scripts that only pollute the environment for a single process (running  
> it in a subshell or whatever), is that what you are doing?

> I have to admit I haven't used virtualenv a whole lot, so I'm interested  
> in hearing what you seasoned old timers do ;^)

I don't know if I count as an old timer but I've been seriously tripped up  
by "activate". virtualenv just sets up local Python environment for a  
project. All you then need to remember is to run "bin/pip", as opposed to  
"pip" to install stuff. So, you don't need to worry about closing the  
shell or wondering about any side-effects when you do something in the  
same shell a few days later. "activate" provides minimal additional  
convenience at the risk of considerable confusion.

Charlie Clark
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