> On 05 Nov 2014, at 17:55, Tres Seaver <tsea...@palladion.com> wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> On 11/05/2014 10:44 AM, Wichert Akkerman wrote:
>>> On 05 Nov 2014, at 15:57, Tres Seaver <tsea...@palladion.com>
>>> wrote: Unicode literals are a no-no for 3.2-compatibility:
>> How important is 3.2 compatibility?
> We don't ordinarily drop a supported Python version a non-major release.

So we can consider dropping 3.2 for Pyramid 1.6? Dropping that would make 
straddling easier, which sounds worth it to me.

> As a dependency for pyramid, if translationstring drops 3.2
> compatiblity, we would need to pin it for "release" branches to versions
> which preserved it.  Note that the classifiers for translationstring 1.2
> still claim support back to 2.4:
>  https://pypi.python.org/pypi/translationstring/1.2
> although testing versions < 2.6 with tox is no longer feasible.

I’ve updated that for the 1.3 release. I’ve also setup travis to automatically 
run tests on Python 2.6-2.7 and 3.2-3.4. I don’t know if anyone uses the tox 
configuration, so I’ve left that in place.


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