On Wed, 2008-02-06 at 19:30 +0530, Rishi M Nair wrote:
> Hi.
> I am Rishi M Nair  from Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham.
> me (Rishi M Nair) (OS0148 - rishios) and avinash joshi(OS 0142
> avinashj) are
> interested in working on bugid  6449291  , 
> Bug ID -6449291  
> Synopsis -  package prototype files in usr/src/pkgdefs/SUNWipfh
> missing CDDL 
> Category:Subcategory -network:ipfilter 
> please see the file enclosed

You've also added duplicate copyright statements with old years (2005)
to most of the files. prototype_sparc also has an errant 's' which might
cause problems with parsing.

As a general note:
I think this list should be used for requesting sponsors not for code
review. Work with the sponsor/relevent project to do the code reviews.

Also webrevs are generally considered better for code review...


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