Casper.Dik at Sun.COM wrote:
>> Well, I've never _seen_ a Ferrari laptop.  But our systems have a 4
>> scroll buttons, plus the normal 3 buttons, giving a total of 7 buttons. 
>> They all work.
> Pretty much like the Ferrari.
>>> The reason why I originally id my driver was the ability to use the
>>> buttons then the next feature was scrolling (which is the thing I miss
>>> and which I can't even get to work on Windows anymore)
>> Well, I'm not sure what exactly you mean here.
> The Windows drivers allows you to scroll by moving your finger
> around (a selected) edge.  Both horizontal and vertical, if you wish.

Yes, our driver supports that.

> I very much like that feature and implemented it in my driver.
> Also, do your scroll buttons auto-repeat?  (I know that the touchpad
> does not so you have to fake it)

I have to check into that, because I'm not sure.

    -- Garrett
> Casper

Garrett D'Amore, Principal Software Engineer
Tadpole Computer / Computing Technologies Division,
General Dynamics C4 Systems
Phone: 951 325-2134  Fax: 951 325-2191

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