
Interesting. One question though, if I edit the config file and modify one
of the cluster blocks, to add a new app for example, is Resin smart enough
to just restart that specific cluster or will it restart all the instances
due to the new timestamp of the config file? I guess it is the latter, as
detecting changes in the config file, checking if they affect one or more
instances etc... might be an overkill.

In that case, we would still need different config files as we specify the
context mappings explicitely, instead of using webapps default mapping, and
restarting 7-8 instances due to a change in one of the mappings would not
work for us. But I understand we are kind of a strange usecase, with ~25
different webapps on 6-7 instances with no clustering.


Scott Ferguson wrote:
> > And as Jose said, you don't need two copies of the whole Resin  
> > software,
> > just two config files so you don't have to worry about
> > maintaing/upgrading two full instances.
> FYI, in Resin 3.1 you could just use one config file and have two  
> separate <cluster> blocks.  The -server foo will select which  
> <cluster> will be active for that JVM.
> -- Scott

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