Scott, I've opened a bug for my 4.0.5 woes, including the config file and logs 
from my much more modern Open Solaris machine:

On Mar 19, 2010, at 13:13:34, Rick Mann wrote:

> On Mar 19, 2010, at 12:40:23, Scott Ferguson wrote:
>> Rick Mann wrote:
>>> Some additional information: I tried installing 4.0.5 on my better server 
>>> (Resin-4.0.0, Nexenta/Open Solaris, recent, lots of RAM, faster CPUs), and 
>>> got similar behavior. I got it up and running, noticed some oddness at 
>>> first (java link errors running my app, slow page loads the first few 
>>> times), then it seemed to get normal.
>>> Then about  5 minutes later, it stopped responding. I didn't investigate, 
>>> but rather just switched back to using resin-4.0.0. No idea if it was the 
>>> same issue. In the logs, I saw it restarting, but it never came back.
>> Thanks for the update. Just to review the symptoms:
>> 1. Both JVMs are around and responds to kill -QUIT (there have been 
>> cases where the JVM has been so frozen it doesn't respond to anything.)
>> 2. Resin is not responding to connect() for either of two ports.
>> 3. The thread dump shows active threads in the nativeAccept() of both ports.
>> 4. Netstat looks normal (i.e. it's not showing lots of connections in 
>> strange states.)
>> My stress testing isn't showing anything like this kind of behavior yet, 
>> but any further details would help narrow the tests.
> Scott,
> I finally just moved my webapps to my Open Solaris machine, which is much 
> more modern, and has a lot more RAM available. (It is currently running 
> resin-4.0.0, warts and all.) This will allow me to update the older machine 
> at my leisure. The problem I'm facing now is twofold, and the first of these 
> might be related.
> 1) Attempts to upgrade to resin-4.0.5 have failed. Resin seems to run fine, 
> but then stops after an hour or two. Because this machine is more critical 
> (it hosts the data for my iPhone app), I just switch back to resin-4.0.0, 
> which has problems but is stable. More details about how I installed it below.
> 2) On both 4.0.0 and 4.0.5, I have problems with Quercus and WordPress. In 
> 4.0.0, I get a StackOverflowError. In 4.0.5, I get a PHP report of a database 
> connection error (and I believe that comes with a 500 response).
> Installation Details
> --------------------
> The configuration for both is exactly the same, as much as I can remember and 
> glean from my history. I put the individual resin released in 
> /usr/local/resin/versions(/resin-4.0.0, resin-4.0.5, etc.), and symlink one 
> of those to /usr/local/resin/current. When I installed 4.0.0, I believe I set 
> that up first, then ran ./configure --prefix=/usr/local/resin/current, then 
> make, sudo make install.
> For 4.0.5, I put it in place, but left the symlink pointing to 4.0.0, and did 
> configure --prefix=/usr/local/resin/versions/resin-4.0.5, make, make install 
> (not sudo). This complains that it couldn't install /etc/resin/ stuff, but I 
> already had that from the previous build.
> Now, when I switch between versions, I change the symlink, and blow away all 
> the WEB-INF/work directories (I'm posting a separate question about that), 
> sometimes I stop and restart the server via the script I have (which 
> is just a wrapper around:
> java -jar /usr/local/resin/current/lib/resin.jar -verbose -root-directory 
> /var/www -conf /etc/resin/resin.xml $*
> But usually it restarts itself (because of the symlink change, I presume).
> When I get some time, I'll try with resin-4.0.4, but I'm supposed to be doing 
> "real" work for my employer today.
> -- 
> Rick
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