On Apr 24, 2012, at 14:32 , Olaf Krische wrote:

> On 24.04.2012 22:54, Rick Mann wrote:
>> When I'm making changes to the code of a webapp, Resin kindly reloads it for 
>> me. I can usually get a handful of reloads in before Resin complains about 
>> being out of PermGen space.
>> Is there something I'm doing wrong in my app that it leaks like this?
> Nope. The standard setting is pretty low. I usually set MaxPermSize to 256M.

Mine is set higher. It runs fine for some time. Eventually, it'll try to reload 
the app, and get this error. Memory in my app (or in Resin) is leaking, and I 
don't know why (nor enough about java debugging to figure out where the leak 


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